Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, or all of the above?

Watch the video for yourself. In an interview with Drew Griffin on CNN, Palin was asked the following:
GRIFFIN: Governor, you've been mocked in the press, the press has been pretty hard on you, the Democrats have been pretty hard on you, but also some conservatives have been pretty hard on you as well. The National Review had a story saying that, you know, I can't tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt or all of the above.

PALIN: Who wrote that one? Who wrote it.

GRIFFIN: That was in the National Review. I don't have the author.

Palin was obviously blindsided at being thrown under the proverbial bus by the conservative press. But was this accurately portrayed? Or another case of media bias?

Who was the author? It was Byron York, and he confessed to it too. But read for yourselves his "confession." Read for yourselves the context in which he wrote that. It was obviously not meant as direct criticism towards Palin, but, rather, a reflection of the unbalanced criticism she's been facing, both personally and politically, at the hands of the media in this campaign.

CNN, by the way, has declined to make a retraction or correction here, or even to clarify what was obviously taken far out of context.

Folks, I don't care whether you're a Democrat or a Republican. When you see this example of journalistic incompetence coming out of your Free Press, you should be outraged. If we can't get unbiased reporting, free of propaganda and focused on the truth, we're dead as a nation. The Free Press is one of the checks on government power. When you can't trust it, government thrives. When government thrives, freedom dies.


KAYUB2011 said...

I'm assuming Hannity will give her a fair shake;)

Steve said...

Why should she have to go to Hannity for a "fair shake?"

Sub Nom said...

Would giving her a "fair shake" actually abrogate the serious and legitimate concerns regarding the fact that she appears to be in no way qualified to be President of the United States in the event John McCain died? I find myself appalled by some of the attacks on Palin (Wardrobe? C'mon, people.), but that does not remove the underlying fact that she is running with a man in his 70's and she does not appear to have the skills necessary to lead the nation during this time of crisis. Furthermore, there is a serious question as to whether or not she can even develop them.

Jane Young said...

Personally, I'd like to give her a shake...

Jane Young said...

P.S. Unfortunately, the age of unbiased reporting seems to have died long ago. And it does make me very sad, has for quite a while. But keep up the sharp reporting, Stephen. You have a knack!