Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Changing of the guard

Obama delivered his inauguration address today, as he took the helm of this 230 year old nation. He is the 44th man to take the oath of office. The amazing thing about American government, and what always moves me, is the grace with which we change.

Aside from some classless idiots who have still not moved past the election nor their visceral hatred of Bush the younger, to watch yet another transfer of power in the mightiest nation on earth take place so calmly brought me nearly to tears yet again.

44 individuals leading our nation. That is 44 opportunities over the past 230+ years for new ideas to be implemented. 44 new ways to govern. 44 futures which, at the time, were yet to be crafted.

In 2001, no one knew what Bush would bring nor what he would face. He came into office, the beneficiary of the first budget surplus in decades and inheriting a decade of virtual peace in the world. But dark clouds had been gathering for some time. the dot-com bubble burst just before Bush took his oath, then, a short 8 months later, 9/11 happened. And here we are, after 8 years of Bush, having weathered a future that we could not anticipate.

Now we bring in a new leader and a new set of ideas and ideals. What will the next four years bring? What changes will be offered for us to believe in? Will we, as America, remain the shining city upon the hill, a model for freedom-seeking peoples the world over?

I truly hope so. I pray that the ideas Obama brings us will strengthen our nation while preserving its foundations. If my prayers are answered, he will have my full devotion and support.

1 comment:

Mrs. Doogie Howser M.om D. said...

I think that what you said about our prayers in the last paragraph is vital. He is our President now no matter who we voted for or what our beliefs or opinions are and he needs and deserves our prayers. He has the hardest job in the country, making huge history changing decisions daily. He needs our prayers and so does our country as we walk into an uncertain future together.